introducing the newest member of the huynh family.....
nathaniel "shooter" han!
he was born on april 18th, making him an ares. he weighs 5 lbs. 4 oz. and hes 17 inches long. about the same size as my weiner...give or take 15 inches.
wow...he's already 1 week old. he can already read and write too! plus, he's probably more mature than me! and he has his license too! just kidding joe...he only has his drivers permit.
since i dont have anything else to say about him, im going to post some more pictures i made with microsoft paint!
nathan as nate dogg....
nathan talking trash....
nathan as blanka from street fighter....
man...if im not nathan's favorite uncle after this post, i dont know what else i'd have to do to be it. if not his favorite, he better at least add me to his fav five!
nathaniel "shooter" han!
he was born on april 18th, making him an ares. he weighs 5 lbs. 4 oz. and hes 17 inches long. about the same size as my weiner...give or take 15 inches.
wow...he's already 1 week old. he can already read and write too! plus, he's probably more mature than me! and he has his license too! just kidding joe...he only has his drivers permit.
since i dont have anything else to say about him, im going to post some more pictures i made with microsoft paint!
nathan as nate dogg....
nathan talking trash....
nathan as blanka from street fighter....
man...if im not nathan's favorite uncle after this post, i dont know what else i'd have to do to be it. if not his favorite, he better at least add me to his fav five!
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i deleted the last post cause I had a fob moment.
I was saying that with a last name Han you need to get him a big furry dog and name it Chewbacca.
Secondly, can blanka nathaniel do the electricity strike?
I'd like to see a Dhalsim Nathaniel. You wouldn't even need a baby monitor--he could just reach out and tap someone if he needed something.
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